Lisa Rinna has seemingly responded to Kathy Hilton‘s digs thrown at her during the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 12 reunion, the trailer for which dropped Thursday night. The 59-year-old actress and reality star posted an orange M&M caricature of herself on Instagram on Oct. 7 (seen here) that looked like a diva and was styled in Lisa’s typical short shag hairstyle, red heels, white gloves, and a white bracelet. Along with the picture, she wrote, “The biggest bully in Hollywood, And everyone knows”.
For those who have not yet seen the dramatic trailer (seen below), Kathy, 63, and Lisa went at it during the emotional reunion. Kathy accused Lisa of bringing her concerning off-camera rant about how she wanted to “destroy” her sister, Kyle Richards, her family, Bravo, and her RHOBH castmates to the spotlight to secure a spot on the next season of the hit series. “Baby you wanted it on camera because your contract was coming up,” she slammed.
Kathy also condemned Lisa’s often problematic behavior on the show. “You fight with everybody. What you did to my sister, and you drove Lisa Vanderpump off the show? I mean, the list can go on and on,” she claimed. “You are the biggest bully in Hollywood, and everyone knows it.”
Meanwhile, Lisa seemed shocked by the accusations and alleged she was “abused by Kathy Hilton” as they filmed for the latest Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season.
Kathy has yet to respond to Lisa’s Instagram sass, but some of her Bravo family has, and they seemed amused. Erika Girardi, 51, commented a thinking emoji under the post, while the reunion’s host and Bravo producer Andy Cohen, 54, commented three clapping emojis. Actress Carmen Electra, 50, also showed her some love and wrote, “love this!” with a heart emoji.
Both reality stars have since shared the trailer. Lisa did not include a caption, and Kathy simply urged fans to not miss the first part of the three-part reunion. However, following the release of the trailer on Oct. 6, Kathy shared a cryptic message on her Instagram Story that could be addressing her relationships with her co-stars. “I saw a post today that said, ‘When you finally learn your place in people’s lives, your feelings won’t get hurt’,” the post read. “I swear that’s the truth and one of the most important life lessons you’ll learn.”
Fans can find out if the drama ever got resolved between the two women during the three-part The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 12 reunion. The first part will air on Bravo at 8 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 12.
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