Priyanka Chopra, 40, took in the New York City skyline with her eight-month-old daughter, Malti, in her latest Instagram photos. The loving new mom shared two new snapshots that showed her sitting on a windowsill as the adorable baby girl sat in her lap and looked out the window at big buildings in the Big Apple. “Our first trip to the big 🍎😍🧿,” she wrote in the caption.
In the first photo, Priyanka wore what looked like a pajama set of a light pink long-sleeved top with a floral design and matching shorts, and she had her hair pulled up in a clip. Little Malti wore what appeared to be a gray short-sleeved dress with animal designs on it. The actress let her hair down for the second photo, which was a close up of her smiling while holding the tot.
Once the photos were published, Priyanka’s followers were quick to respond with kind words. “Beautiful pic,” one follower wrote while another called the photos “gorgeous.” A third wrote, “So happy for you guys. What an incredible journey” and others left her heart emojis with many “Aww” messages.
Priyanka’s latest mother-daughter pics come after she wowed while attending her husband and Malti’s father, Nick Jonas‘ concert in Mexico. The singer shared a photo of the two of them sitting at a table together in the memorable location and the beauty wore a little back dress and boots that looked amazing on her. He also looked handsome in a yellow button-up shirt over a white tank top, brown pants, black shoes, and dark brown sunglasses.
When Priyanka and Nick aren’t hanging out alone, they’re making sure to spend quality time with Malti whenever they can. The little one was welcomed via surrogate in Jan. and although the parents have been pretty private about her life, in May, they revealed she was born premature and had to spend 100 days in the NICU after her birth. “On this Mother’s Day we can’t help but reflect on these last few months and the rollercoaster we’ve been on, which we now know, so many people have also experienced. After 100 plus days in the NICU, our little girl is finally home,” Priyanka wrote in the caption for the first photo she shared of the bundle of joy.
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