Salma Hayek celebrated her 56th birthday in style! The Oscar-nominated actress shared a video of herself dancing in a red bikini while on a moving boat on Sept. 2 and looked like she was having the time of her life. “Happy 56th birthday to me!!!” Salma wrote in the caption along with the hashtag “#alwaysgrateful.”
Salma has been living her life in a bikini all summer long. On Aug. 15, she shared a photo of herself in a black bikini on a balcony that overlooked an unspecified body of water. She paired the two-piece with a black and white striped coverup, a black straw hat, and dark frosted shades. Her location was enviable, as the water below her was a vivid shade of blue and was surrounded by lush green hills “Ready for the week. Lista para la semana,” she captioned the stunning snapshot.
Plus, in June, she celebrated the start of summer by taking over a gorgeous sailboat and dancing on its tables. The beautiful actress donned a purple bikini and threw her arms in the air in the three pictures she posted. Her husband, French businessman François-Henri Pinault, had a huge grin on his face as he watched his lady show off her moves in the first snapshot she shared.
Salma escaped the cold of winter earlier in the year as well and vacationed in another unknown tropical paradise. The photo she shared from her trip showed her floating in a circular pool, which was surrounded by green plants and palm trees. She donned a bright blue bikini and looked completely at ease.
Selma also rang in her 55th birthday in a blue bathing suit, that time opting for a one-piece. In the breathtaking photo, she stood in shallow blue waters right off a beach that was lined with palm trees. She looked to the side and let the sun hit her cheek, giving her a sunkissed glow. “Happy 55th birthday to me,” she wrote in the caption. “looking forward to new adventures”.
Just months before her 55th, the House of Gucci actress revealed she lost a few pounds to reach her ideal bikini body (although she looks incredible either way!). “I had to lose a lot of weight and exercise to get into the bikini towards the end of last year,” she told Entertainment Tonight. She noted that her newfound confidence encouraged her to take several snapshots in her bathing suits while on vacation, which she planned to roll out on her Instagram. “I’m glad I took a lot of pictures, I have no shame on it,” she stated.
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