Garrett Hedlund shared a rare photo of his 19-month-old son Rhodes Robert Hedlund with ex Emma Roberts. The actor, 37, beamed with pride as he lifted up the baby into the sky while in a retail store in the double photo post, shared to his Instagram account on Thursday, July 28. “A Very ‘Simba-bolic’ moment,” he joked, referencing the iconic moment that monkey Rafiki lifts baby lion Simba in Disney’s The Lion King for the rest of the Animal Kingdom.
The pair were specifically inside Bass Pro Shop’s Buffalo location, which is known for their outer wear and sporting goods. The stores are known for their unique decor, including fish tanks and animals on the wall, including the buffalo that little Rhodes seemed to be “meeting.” Garrett then added, “Meet the BASS PRO SHOP BUFFALO…. Daddies Spirit Animal,” with a laughing emoji and flexed arm.
“You guys are adorable,” one fan wrote. “Lol you know you grew up country when you’re excited to take your kid to Bass Pro. Love this,” another said, referencing his Minnesota upbringing.
Garrett and Emma, 31, welcomed their only son in Dec. 2020 after nearly two years of dating (the pair struck up a romance in March 2019, after her split from longtime boyfriend than fiancé Evan Peters). The couple sadly broke up, however, in January 2022. “It’s sad, and they are trying their best to co-parent. It’s been hard,” a source said to PEOPLE magazine after the split, adding that they were no longer living together. Another insider said that the pair “grew apart” due to Garrett’s busy work schedule, per Entertainment Tonight. “Emma and Garrett are totally done romantically and Emma has been dating and doing her own thing…Emma loves being a mom and she takes great pride in it,” ET also reported.
Notably, Emma was seen holding hands with Britney Spears‘ manager Cade Hudson at Paris Hilton‘s wedding last November. After the split, Garrett was taken into custody in Tennessee due to public intoxication. The incident followed a January 2020 DUI.
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