Nick Jonas and wife Priyanka Chopra are celebrating their precious baby’s 6-month birthday! Priyanka, 40, posted some new pics to her personal Instagram page on July 22, pausing her own birthday trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, to celebrate little Malti Marie‘s half year milestone. Pri posted a pic of little Malti wearing a flutter-sleeved “6 Months” onesie and pink, puffball-filled tutu. Malti also wore a hairbow and an ankle bracelet. They placed a white heart over her face, but it appeared the famous baby was also rocking a pair of pink sunglasses! Priyanka held her baby as Nick, 29, snuggled up to them both and showed off a tiny strawberry-topped cake with a note reading “Happy 6 Months B-Day MM.”
The adorable family photo showed up in a series of birthday pics that the stunning actress posted to mark her own landmark 40th birthday celebrations. “Just a girl and her birthday squad!” Priyanka captioned the pics at the tropical locale. “So grateful and thankful to be surrounded by so much love and to be able to spend time with my nearest and dearest. (Even though a lot of them flew in from very far). The most incredible celebrations, planned and executed to perfection by my @nickjonas. Words are not enough to thank you for the most memorable birthday… you really know how to love baby. I’m a lucky girl.”
Priyanka continued, noting that everyone made her July 18 birthday one for the books. “I’m so touched by all the birthday love I’ve received this year,” she wrote, concluding the post. “The lovely DMs, surprises, calls, texts, and big hugs made the day even brighter and made me feel truly special. Thank you everyone who reached out, it means the world.
Here’s to the beginning of the rest of my life. Grateful and blessed.”
Nick and Priyanka have certainly had an amazing year. They welcomed their first child via surrogate January 15, and since then they’ve been relishing every milestone as a family, including the new mom’s first Mother’s Day back in May, and Nick’s very special first Father’s Day in June. Pri planned surprises to make his Father’s Day “extra meaningful,” while Nick gifted his wife a citrus tree for Mother’s Day.
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