Bella Hadid just debuted a bold new look. On June 28, the 25-year-old supermodel shared images of her new hairdo — which had the sides of her head shaved and a super short blunt bang — ahead of the Marc Jacobs autumn/winter 2022 fashion show. Her black hair was straightened in the back and held away from her face with clips. She also had no eyebrows. In the photos, Bella slouched on a stool and stared directly into the camera wearing a cropped white tank, two-toned distressed blue jeans, and a black zip-up hoodie. She said nothing in her caption aside from tagging Marc Jacobs’ official Instagram account.
The last post under Marc Jacobs’ page gave insight into the inspiration behind his show: the lack of choice women have regarding their personal health in many American states after the landmark case, Roe vs. Wade, was overturned on June 24. “Choice. Amidst an ever-changing landscape of resources, unexpected obstacles and a world feverishly digitising new standards of reality, my sentiment is unwavering – creativity is essential to living. We share our choices in contrast to the ongoing brutality and ugliness of a world beyond our insulated but not impermeable walls,” the note read. It also had the quote, “We have art in order not to die of the truth,” by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
Bella shared the same concern as Marc, as she shared two posts about women’s rights following the Supreme Court’s decision. “Do they really think this Supreme Court decision will stop women from doing what is right for their own bodies? What is right for themselves and their personal struggles of life? No. It won’t. It will only stop women from doing this legally and safely,” she captioned a post from June 24. “That is all that will change. Everyone deserves access to the care that they need, and generations have fought for the right to abortion…. we won’t let that end with us. We wont back down, Because we can’t!!!”
She continued, “We need to stand by each-other and the women of this country who can’t leave specific states to get the care they need. Because what they might need , to stay alive , to be responsible about bringing human life into this world is ILLEGAL! This doesn’t have to be personal to you, to care about the women of this country that are not mentally, financially, physically or emotionally ready to bring another human into this world. This is about each of our lives and our freedom to control our own destinies.”
Before styling her hair in the flamboyant cut for Marc Jacobs, Bella rocked dark hair with long bangs, which can be seen above. Two strands of shorter hair framed her face. The model let her bangs grow out before styling them ultra short for the daring half-shaved look.