Sam Asghari, 28, prioritized his fiancée Britney Spears, 40, over the 2022 Cannes Film Festival after she miscarried their baby. The fitness trainer revealed on his Instagram Stories on Wednesday (May 18) that he’s skipping the annual film festival in France to stay home with his future wife. “Couldn’t make it to Cannes Film Festival this year,” Sam wrote. “Personal life and family come first, always. See you next year.”
As HollywoodLife reported, Britney announced she was pregnant via Instagram on April 11, revealing that she discovered she was expecting after gaining weight during and after a trip to Miami with Sam. But just a little over a month later, the couple revealed their heartbreaking miscarriage in a joint statement on May 14.
“It is with our deepest sadness we have to announce that we have lost our miracle baby early in the pregnancy. This is a devastating time for any parent. Perhaps we should have waited to announce until we were further along however we were overly excited to share the good news,” their message about the loss read. “Our love for each other is our strength. We will continue trying to expand our beautiful family,” Sam and Britney added. “We are grateful for all of your support. We kindly ask for privacy during this difficult moment.”
A few days after announcing the miscarriage, Sam shared his own post where he said, “We are taking things positively and moving forward with our future. It’s hard but we are not alone.” He also revealed that he and Britney “will be expanding our family soon.” Furthermore, a source told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY that the couple “won’t give up” on having their “miracle baby.”
The insider also shared how supportive Sam has been to the “Toxic” singer following the miscarriage. “Britney has the best support system around her possible and Sam isn’t letting her out of his sight for one second right now,” they told us.
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