Jason Momoa walked the red carpet at the 2022 Academy Awards without his wife, Lisa Bonet. The Aquaman actor, 42, looked dapper in a black suit at the March 27 ceremony, for which he is a presenter. Jason’s look included a black bowtie and a pair of glasses. He also had his long hair done up in a french braid held together by a pink scrunchie. Jason also sported a blue and yellow pocket square to support Ukraine.
Jason Momoa looks dapper as ever on the #Oscars red carpet. https://t.co/abMq1BYSsP pic.twitter.com/kI10KUKAtb
— Variety (@Variety) March 27, 2022
It wasn’t a shock that Lisa, 54, didn’t show up to the Oscars with her husband. As fans know, the Hollywood duo announced back in January that they were going their separate ways after four years of marriage and 16 years of dating. In a statement given at the time, Jason and Lisa said they were separating to “free each other to be who we are learning to become.”
However, the pair is now attempting to rekindle their marriage. A source close to Jason EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife that the Game of Thrones alum moved back in with Lisa and their two children, Lola, 14, and Nakoa-Wolf, 13, in February. “They are very much back together,” the insider told us. “They decided to work on things rather than throw in the towel because they have so much invested in each other.” The source added that the couple, along with their family and friends, is “hoping that they can make this work this time around.”
The couple’s reconciliation was evident when Lisa was spotted wearing her wedding ring on March 16. Not to mention, Jason showed up at the March 1 premiere of The Batman, which stars Lisa and Lenny Kravitz ‘s daughter Zoe Kravitz.
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