Jennifer Aniston, 53, had a super sweet message for Reese Witherspoon on her 46th birthday on Tuesday March 22. The Friends actress posted a bunch of photos of herself and Reese through the years to show how long they’ve been working together along with penning a cute caption for her pal on Instagram. She posted photos from the pair acting together on Friends as well as a behind the scenes video from The Morning Show and a few more pictures of the two of them just bonding.
Punctuated with celebratory emojis, Jennifer made it clear that she and Reese are best friends with her super cute birthday message. “It’s somebody’s birthday today,” she wrote. “My little sister, co-anchor, partner-in-crime, I LOVE YOU, you sweet ray of sunshine. Let the love pour in! Happy BIRTHDAY.”
Of course, Jennifer calling Reese her sister and co-anchor were references to their times working together on Friends and The Morning Show, respectively. The Legally Blonde star played Jennifer’s younger sister in two episodes of the beloved sitcom in 2000. She opened up about forging their friendship on-set in a 2019 interview with Natalie Portman for Harper’s Bazaar. “She was so sweet to me. I was really nervous,” she said at the time. “I marveled at her ability to perform in front of a live audience like that with no nerves. They would change all the lines and she was just so effortlessly affable, bubbly, and sunny. We’ve been friends ever since.”
More recently, the pair appeared as the competitive co-anchoring duo Bradley Jackson (Reese) and Alex Levy (Jennifer) in the AppleTV+ series The Morning Show, which finished its second season in 2021. Both women were executive producers for the entire series, and their chemistry onscreen has been flawless for the first two seasons. With their work on the series, the two friends have done a number of interviews together, and it’s clear that they’re still close friends offscreen.
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