Lady Gaga, 35, was among the many stars who stood in solidarity with the Ukrainian people at the 2022 SAG Awards on Sunday February 27. The House of Gucci actress included a show of support in light of Russia’s attacks, when she was speaking about how thankful she was to be at the awards show. Gaga was only one of the stars to stand with Ukraine during the show, including Michael Douglas, 77, Jessica Chastain, 44, and Jean Smart, 70.
gaga mentioning ukraine in a middle of an interview🥺 we really stan harder #SAGAwards
— ᴘɪɴᴋɢᴀ 〄 (@pinkishgaga_) February 28, 2022
During a red carpet interview before the show, the “Poker Face” singer said that she was keeping the people of Ukraine in her thoughts. “This is a beautiful night where we all get to celebrate art together and celebrate each other, and there’s so much going on in the world, and my heart really goes out to Ukraine, and I think tonight, we should all really sit in the gratitude of this,” she told E!
Michael Douglas was another star who spoke out during a red carpet interview, as he showed off a blue-and-yellow pocket square to stand with the people of Ukraine. “This is not the L.A. Rams. This is the color of the Ukrainian flag, and if ever there was a time for us to appreciate about what true democracy is, I’m just so proud of what these people in this country have done,” he said to Access.
Of course, stars also spoke out from the awards show stage with messages of support. During Jessica Chastain’s acceptance speech for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor, The Eyes of Tammy Faye star also included a show of support for those stuck in Ukraine. “I love my artistic family. My heart is with our international family all over the world right now, who is fighting for their safety and their freedom,” she said. When Jean Smart took home the award for Outstanding Female Actor in a Comedy Series for her role in Hacks, she concluded with a subtle show of support. “Please everybody pray for peace,” she said.
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