Bravo fired Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Jennie Nguyen, 44, after a series of controversial Facebook posts resurfaced. The channel announced that it would stop filming with her in a Tuesday January 25 statement, apologizing to fans for not taking action sooner. Producer and Watch What Happens Live host Andy Cohen also mentioned discussions happening on how to address the posts, which he called “disgusting and upsetting,” on his SiriusXM show “Radio Andy.”
Besides announcing that it had “ceased filming” with Jennie, the channel also shared that it was working to make improvements to who will be part of the RHOSLC cast in the future. “We recognize we failed to take appropriate action once her offensive social media posts were brought to our attention. Moving forward, we will work to improve our processes to ensure we make better informed and more thoughtful casting decisions,” the channel said in a statement.
During Andy’s broadcast, he’d said that he couldn’t share details of discussions at the time, but he did call out Jennie for the controversial Facebook posts from 2020. “The posts were very upsetting—rightfully—and disturbing,” he said. Andy had briefly asked about the controversy during the Monday January 24 episode of his talk show Watch What Happens Live with Jennie’s former co-star Lisa Barlow. Lisa said she didn’t “condone” the posts. “I’m completely anti-racist. I hope everyone does better,” she said. “I haven’t looked at Jennie’s Facebook page in years. I was very surprised.”
Jennie came under fire when now-deleted Facebook posts from 2020 resurfaced, which disparaged the Black Lives Matter movement, via Page Six. Another alleged post appeared to share violent imagery. Jennie apologized for the old posts in a statement released on Instagram on January 19. “I want to acknowledge and apologize for my deleted Facebook posts from 2020 that resurfaced today. At the time, I thought I was speaking out against violence, but I have since learned how offensive and hurtful my words were. It’s why I deactivated that account more than a year ago and why I continue to try to learn about perspectives different from my own. I regret those posts and am sincerely sorry for the pain they caused,” she wrote.