Kristen Stewart brought Twiggy vibes to her W Magazine cover shoot. The Spencer actress sported two iconic looks for the shoot that were a total blast from the past, channeling the 1960’s. In the look featured on the main cover, Kristen rocks a canary yellow, tweed jacket and matching mini skirt. She pulls off the signature bouffant hairstyle of the time while donning a glove in one hand and holding up a yellow rose in the other. Even though the overall look is quite perky, the actress’ signature edgy attitude still radiated through the snap.
The second look the Twilight actress sampled was just as iconic. Keeping in theme, Kristen stuns in a boxy, blue shift dress. A dark blue headscarf wraps around her ’60s hairdo. Kristen’s edge popped through again as a piece of her hair dangles from the headscarf, her arm tattoo is on display and she clasps a rose by the petals in her other hand.
The Los Angeles native recently returned to the big screen in the Princess Diana feature titled Spencer after Diana’s maiden name. Kristen fills big shoes as the late Princess of Wales as Spencer not only focuses on her strained marriage with Prince Charles but the scrutiny she faced in the public eye. While filming, Kristen proved how committed she was to the role by immersing herself as much as possible.
“Physically, it was about seeing how much I could put myself through, how cold I could get, how skinny I could get, how tired I could get. I still felt 10 feet tall, though,” she told W Magazine in the interview for her shoot. “There’s something about her, even just by osmosis, just imagining her as a figure, the things that I’ve been impressed by, the things that I’ve felt protective of, the things that worry me about her, they’re still oddly, unshakably strong.”
Kristen also swore that she knew acting was the only thing she ever wanted to do since she was nine years old. She fell in love with the “sense of creating something together with others” and wanted to see “many versions of myself I could find.” From Bella Swan to Princess Diana, there are definitely plenty of versions of K-Stew out there and her fans love them all.
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