Mila Kunis, 38, was a doting mother to her two children while Christmas shopping in Los Angeles on Monday, December 20. The actress was pictured walking beside her 5-year-old son Dimitri and 7-year-old daughter Wyatt to run some last-minute holiday errands around town. Mila sweetly held tight onto Dimitri’s hand, as both her kids sported backpacks and protective face masks for the outing. Mila also wore a mask over her mouth and nose amidst rising cases of the COVID Omicron variant nationwide.
Mila — who shares both her kids with hubby Ashton Kutcher, 43 — added to her casual shopping look with a heavy red jacket, dark jeans, and UGG boots. Meanwhile, Wyatt got festive for the holiday season with a Christmas-themed Mickey Mouse shirt. She also wore light blue jeans, white sneakers, and a light black jacket. As for Dimitri, he was dressed super casual in a short-sleeved black T-shirt, gray sweatpants, and green sneakers. The group appeared to make at least one purchase, as Mila was seen holding a small bag during the shopping day.
Mila and Ashton, who met on the set of That ’70s Show, are such loving parents to their kids. However, the A-list couple did find themselves at the center of a parenting controversy over the summer, after making some surprising confessions about their kids’ bathing schedules on Dax Shepard and Monica Padman’s Armchair Expert podcast. “I didn’t have hot water growing up as a child, so I didn’t shower much anyway,” Mila said. “But when I had children, I also didn’t wash them every day. I wasn’t that parent that bathed my newborns — ever.” Ashton later added, “Now, here’s the thing: If you can see the dirt on them, clean them. Otherwise, there’s no point.” The bathing confessions led to fans posting their shocked reactions online. It even caused celebs like Jake Gyllenhaal to admit they don’t bathe too often.
After causing such an online stir, Mila eventually clarified during a September 2021 appearance on Ellen that she “showers every day.” She also said her “intent every day is to bathe [her] children,” but plans sometimes change. “I wake up every day, like, ‘Today I’m going to shower my kids,’” Mila insisted.
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