Girl Named Tom revealed some heartbreaking news to their fans after winning The Voice season 21. The trio — consisting of Caleb Liechty, 26, Joshua Liechty, 24, and 20-year-old Bekah Liechty — released a statement that said their father has taken a “downward spiral at the exact moment of our success on national TV.” Read their message below:
— Girl Named Tom (@GirlNamedTom) December 15, 2021
“As we are writing this statement, our dad is in horrific pain following yet another surgery. The only reason we are still in Los Angeles is that our parents want us out here, doing what we love. We cannot wait to finally all be in the same room. No matter the result on Tuesday night, we will be flying back to them as soon as possible.”
They continued, “Some might think that this is the worst timing – our father taking such a downward spiral at the exact moment of our success on national TV. In truth, we feel fortunate and blessed by this joyful distraction. The Voice has given our family opportunities to connect, reflect, and marvel at the love we have for each other.”
Girl Named Tom thanked their fans for helping them fulfill their “dreams” and encouraging them to “keep dreaming big.” The trio added that this is “NOT a goodbye. We have dozens of new songs that we cannot wait to share with you.”
The trio became the first group to ever win The Voice with the help of coach Kelly Clarkson. They were also the first act in 21 seasons to have 4 songs in the iTunes top 10 at the same time. Girl Named Tom was named the season 21 champion over Wendy Moten in the final moments of the finale.
The group has been open about how their father has influenced their music careers. All three of the Liechty siblings had planned to become doctors until their dad was diagnosed with a rare cancer in 2017. They decided not to become doctors so they could spend more time with their family. Girl Named Tom was formed a couple of years later in 2019.
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