La La Anthony set temperatures soaring as she shared a bikini snap to her Instagram on November 14. The 39-year-old reality star stunned in a bright orange swimsuit as she posed for a sultry selfie. With her brunette hair cascading over her shoulders and flawless makeup highlighting her natural beauty, La La captioned the pic, “Lil sumthin for ur timeline.’ Check out the pic HERE!
The actress’ post comes after she recently revealed she was rushed to the hospital to undergo emergency heart surgery back in June. After she began experiencing premature ventricular contractions, which causes an abnormally fast heartbeat, La La had her son Kiyan, 14, call for an ambulance, according to Self magazine. “I never felt anything like that before,” she told the outlet. “Within a 24-hour period, they said, my heart was beating 30,000 extra beats more than the average person.”
La La was then taken in for a two-hour procedure, which she described as “scary.” “They would wake me up during the procedure and say, ‘We’re going to speed your heart up now. Just take deep breaths…those doctors were just so incredible but it was a terrifying experience,” she explained.
While she remained in the hospital for four days after the surgery, La La had time to reflect on how she wants to be healthy for her family and friends moving forward. “[It] made me reprioritize myself because it’s always about everyone else and work and this and that. And it’s like, if I’m not good, I’m not gonna be good for anyone,” she said. “I’m not a person who likes everyone worried about me or doting over me. I have a lot of friends and a lot of family, and they’d be calling all day…it’s OK to let people love on you and be concerned about you.”
Following the successful surgery, La La now has checkups on her heart at least once every two months. She hopes that by sharing her story, others will be inspired to listen to their bodies and seek medical attention when needed. “I can turn it into something that can actually help people out there,” she added.
And after such a harrowing experience, it’s nice to see La La getting back to celebrating her life and posting fun snaps to her Instagram. Keep ’em coming, La La!
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