Chrissy Teigen, 35, had a perfect response to her critics on her Instagram Story on Tuesday August 10. The model dismissed trolls’ petty claims that she deletes the negative comments she receives on her social media. She also called the outrage “funny,” while she coolly clapped back in the low-key video, where she was wearing a colorful bathrobe.
The Lip-Sync Battle co-host shared “Two things that I think are funny right now” in the video, where she calmly spoke about the backlash she gets on social media. She showed how ridiculous it was the people get upset that she doesn’t receive enough negative attention. “People in my comments that are mad that there’s not enough angry comments in my comments,” she said and showed just how bizarre accusations that she gets rid of hate comments. “They think that I delete them, but like what? That’s like next level hater, when you’re mad that there’s not enough hate. You’re crazy.”
The other funny thing Chrissy shared was how negative people can be, even when she wants to be complimentary and kind. “If I leave a comment underneath somebody’s photo, even if it’s nice. ‘You look great! I love this outfit!’ People get all sorts of mad, because I am alive,” she said, before brushing off the bad energy. “And that’s two things I think are funny.”
Chrissy is no stranger to controversy and has received tons of backlash after media personality Courtney Stodden accused the cookbook author of cyberbullying her. Courtney posted a screenshot of an alleged message from Chrissy that said, “I can’t wait for you to die.” Chrissy did tweet an apology to Courtney on June 14, but kept a relatively low profile in the aftermath of the claims. “I want you to know I’ve been sitting in a hole of deserved global punishment, the ultimate ‘sit here and think about what you’ve done,’” she wrote in part at the time. “Not a day, not a single moment has passed where I haven’t felt the crushing weight of regret for the things I’ve said in the past.”
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