Kylie Jenner, 23, went makeup-free dressed in an adorable outfit for a workout session on Thursday, July 22. The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star snapped a few cute selfies on Instagram of her fitness attire, which included a matching purple Lilac crop top and leggings. Kylie had a completely natural in the three mirror selfies, which featured the star showing off her cute clothes just before heading to the gym. “come workout with me,” she captioned her post, adding a purple heart that blended with the theme of her outfit.
Kylie’s fans overwhelmingly approved of the makeup mogul’s gym ensemble. Most of her followers flooded the comments section of her post with complimentary emojis like heart-eyes and flames. The official account for Kylie Cosmetics even got in on the action, dropping three purple heart emojis in the comments. Kylie sure knows how to dress no matter the occasion!
Kylie’s decision to go makeup free is not totally uncommon for the mom of one. Just last week, she showed off her naturally flawless complexion while capturing a mirror selfie video of herself and daughter Stormi Webster, 3. Kylie kept things super casual for the mother-daughter hangout dressed in a black and white pajama set. Stormi adorably wore a similar set.
Lately, Kylie has been fairly open with her fans about her looks. In fact, she recently opened up about using temporary lip fillers as a way to overcome insecurities. “When I was younger I had an insecurity with my lips,” she said in a July 9 YouTube video. “I have temporary lip fillers and it was an insecurity of mine and it’s what I wanted to do,” she added. The billionaire had previously opened up about her lip struggles on the Keeping Up With The Kardashians reunion with Andy Cohen. In the special, she explained how the insecurity started after one of her “first kisses” and a guy told her she had small lips, making her feel “unkissable.” Kylie has not been afraid to open up, and we applaud her for that!
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