After 7 seasons, Younger is bidding farewell with its series finale on June 10. The show became a breakout hit when it premiered in 2015 with fans falling in love with Liza, Josh, Kelsey, Charles, Lauren, Diana, and more. Series finales can make or break a show in these times, but Molly Bernard told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY that Younger comes to an end in satisfying fashion.
“People are going to love it. I cried when I read the script,” Molly revealed. “I saw the finale a few weeks ago and just was so proud of them, our writers’ room and Darren [Star]. It’s such a beautiful ending. They nailed the landing. I can say that.” While fans will be sad it’s over, Molly added that fans will be “very happy” with how Younger ends.
Molly’s character, Lauren, was a total scene-stealer from the moment she stepped onto the screen for the first time. Lauren went from a recurring character to a key cast member on Younger. In addition to exploring ageism, Younger has done an outstanding job of exploring sexual fluidity onscreen. Lauren is totally accepted as a pansexual by her family and friends. Molly reflected on playing such an impactful character.
“It’s been incredibly important,” Molly told HollywoodLife. “It’s been a huge source of pride for me that my ethics and my politics match the art that I’ve been able to make. I feel so lucky to have played a queer woman on television, whose parents love and support her. She unconditionally loves herself. She has confidence. She is not struggling in her sexuality. To that end, I feel it’s very aspirational. I think aspirational queer storytelling should be more of a thing. I think the writers have done an incredible job of portraying Lauren. Yes, she’s queer. Yes, she’s pan, but it’s kind of the least interesting thing about her. There are other things that they lead her with, and that’s critically important to queer storytelling. The normalization of queer people. Let that be the last descriptor if it’s even on the character description breakdown or whatever at all. I think the breakdown when I played Laura was like fashion publicists and fiery. That was it. There was no queer. They always had plans for her to be pansexual, but they didn’t write it in the breakdown. I actually think, ethically, it’s really important to do that, that you don’t need to necessarily lead with someone’s sexuality. That’s actually very invasive and kind of dehumanizing.”
Over the past 7 seasons, the style on Younger has been unparalleled. Molly admitted that Lauren’s fierce and fabulous style has infiltrated her own life. “Much to my bank accounts chagrin, Lauren has influenced me,” Molly told HollywoodLife. “Lauren is my personal influencer. Yeah, Between Jackie Demeterio, our amazing costume designer, and Patricia Field, who was our consultant for a bunch of years, I feel like I went into Younger not really having a sense of style. I’ve left loving clothes and loving independent female designers but also a fan of Miu Miu. I have had so much fun with the clothes and the ability to express myself via clothes and makeup and shoes and bags. Our show is definitely part fantasy in that way. The clothes those girls are wearing don’t fit their budget. Our show is edible visually.”
As for a Younger revival or spinoff down the road, Molly is “absolutely” down. “I will miss occupying that space,” Molly said. “I will miss all my castmates, so I’m sure we’d all be down to do a little reunion at some point. It’d be so fun.”
In addition to Younger, Molly’s new film, Milkwater, is available now. Molly stars in and executive produces the film. “I play a pretty lost, flailing millennial. She’s really looking for answers and wants to figure it out,” Molly revealed. “She’s struggling and meets this older gay guy who runs a drag bar. He’s a drag queen himself, and she pretty much offers to be a surrogate basically upon meeting him. I think she’s trying to use this experience as a way to find herself and cover her vulnerability or her boundarylessness. I think everyone can relate to having a friend who is struggling. I think the film is also really exceptional in that it covers how difficult it is to start a queer family. To begin that journey and how vulnerable it is to need a surrogate, whether you’re queer or sis people, and how hard it is to trust someone else and the process of literally carrying the child that they’re then going to give to you. It’s such a complicated film, and we had such a great time making it. We shot it in 21 days. You never know with an indie what kind of life it’s going to have. I’m just so thrilled that the world gets to see it. I’m so proud of it.”
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