Ariana Grande gave fans an inside look at her secret wedding to Dalton Gomez on May 26. More than a week after the two tied the knot on May 15, Ari took to Instagram to share photos from the nuptials The first picture features Ariana and Dalton with their arms wrapped around each other as they share a romantic and passionate kiss. From there, there are various PDA and candid shots, as well another set of images.
(PHOTO CREDIT: Stefan Kohli / @photokohli)
This is also the first time that fans have gotten to see Ariana’s simple, but stunning, white, Vera Wang Haute wedding dress. The strapless gown dipped low in the back to show some skin, and Ariana wore a veil that was clipped into the top of her slicked-back half ponytail. Her cheekbones were accentuated with blush, and her eye makeup was a light pink/coral shade, with winged eyeliner and thick lashes. She also had a light pink hue on her lips, as well.
Ariana’s fans were shocked when news broke earlier this month that the singer had secretly married her fiance of just five months. The ceremony took place at Ariana’s home in Montecito, and the pictures prove that it was a glamorous, but intimate affair. The house was decorated with hanging floral arrangements and candles, which set the backdrop for Ariana and Dalton’s wedding photos.
(PHOTO CREDIT: Stefan Kohli / @photokohli)
For the most part, Ariana has been very private about her relationship with the real estate agent. They started quietly dating at the beginning of 2020, and were engaged by the end of the year. Of course, Ariana was previously famously engaged to Pete Davidson, who she was dating for just a couple of weeks when he proposed in May 2018. The relationship was short-lived, though, and Ari and Pete split by that October. The breakup happened just weeks after the death of Mac Miller, who Ariana dated from 2016 until 2018, as well.
It definitely seems like Ariana spent the beginning of 2021 focused on her personal life. However, later this year, she’ll be hard at work with a new venture when she joins The Voice as a coach for season 21. Ariana will make her debut on the show in the fall alongside veteran coaches, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Blake Shelton.