Sharon Stone has stunned in a new poolside photo with her French Bulldog, Joe. The 63-year-old actress posed on a black and white sun lounge, while snuggling up to her beloved dog. “Joe is back from the vet #JoeStone,” the Basic Instinct star captioned the May 1 post, which showed her rocking a black one piece swimsuit. Despite his trip to the animal hospital, for an unknown health issue, Joe appeared to be doing better as he posed next to Sharon.
The actress stretched her left leg out, and flashed a big smile at the camera, while casually slicked her blonde tresses back. Designer Vera Wang commented, “Gorg” while thousands of other fans dropped heart eye emojis and flames in the comments section. Fans of the actress would know she’s recently released a new memoir, The Beauty of Living Twice, which officially dropped on March 30.
In the book she revealed that when she was 18 years old and dating her first “serious boyfriend,” she got pregnant and had an abortion. Sharon explained that getting an abortion in her home state of Pennsylvania when she was a teenager was not easy, so she and her then-boyfriend had to drive two states over, to Ohio, so she could undergo the procedure.
“I was bleeding all over the place, and far worse than I should have been,” she wrote, revealing that nobody else knew what was happening, and she struggled to cope with the trauma alone. “But this was a secret and I had no one to tell. So I stayed in my room and bled for days. I was weak and scared and then just weak.”
After burning her sheets, Sharon returned to school. “This, above all else, saved me,: That someone, anyone, could talk to me, educate me,” she reflected. “No one ever had, about anything.” Sharon later learned she had an autoimmune disease and was not able to have biological children. She and her ex husband Phil Bronstein adopted a son, Roan, in 2000. After their split, Sharon adopted two more sons — Laird in 2005 and Quinn in 2008.
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