Halle Berry has stunned in a gorgeous dress while posing in her Malibu backyard. The Oscar winner took to Instagram on April 14 to share a snap of herself in the backless gown, which featured cutouts down either side of her waist. “Mediocre called, I hung up…,” the 54-year-old actor captioned the pic of herself in a gold sequin La Dolce Vita vintage dress. Halle posed on a set of stairs leading to her back garden, and faced away from the camera while turning her head back.
Her hair was styled in soft curls, with curtain bangs framing her face. It came just days after the mom-of-two revealed she might join the popular social media app Tik Tok. “To keep my cool points with my 13-year-old, I have to stay online. And I want to! I want to stay on top of culture, and be a part of my kids’ lives. I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to be younger than I am, but to stay connected to them, I have to stay connected to what’s happening in their world,” she told W Magazine on April 12.
She continued, “I might [join TikTok]. My daughter has been telling me, ‘Come on!’ I keep saying, ‘Honey, that’s another thing that I have to manage.’ You can’t just go on TikTok once or twice. If I’m gonna start TikTok, I have to keep TikTok-ing. She might convince me! She’s working hard on me. I just have to figure out a way I can do it that makes sense in my mind. If I can, then I’ll figure it out.” Halle is such a doting mom to her daughter Nahla, 13, and son Maceo, 7.
Fans of Halle would know that she only posts photos of her mini-me’s on social media on rare occasions, however she recently shared a rare pic of the trio snuggling up together on the beach. “the moments that matter most…” she captioned the photo, which showed them sitting next to each other on the sand. Halle shares Nahla with her ex-boyfriend, Gabriel Aubry, while she shares Maceo with another ex, Olivier Martinez.
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