Priyanka Chopra wanted to look her best for the actress’s “virtual press tour,” so she turned to one of the most fashionable influencers: a miniature Italian greyhound named Tika the Iggy. “Hi Tika I hear you’re the new fashion mogul…can I get your opinion?” Priyanka said in a FaceTime “call” with the stylish pooch, who was wearing a puffy pink sweater as if she were about to attend an art gallery viewing. Tika happily replied, “I would love nothing more than to help you Priyanka.”
The fashion show commenced. First up was a zebra dress from St. John, with matching striped heels from Jennifer Chamandi and jewelry from Jennifer Fisher. Tika’s review? “So trendy, so fabulous.”
Tika was just as complimentary about the three other outfits that Priyanka did an at-home catwalk in. There was a Christian Siriano dress featuring a blazer-like bodice and full tulle skirt, a plaid tweed jacket and denim skirt set from Isabel Marant, and Halpern‘s iconic “orb” dress (the same one Gemma Chan wore on the cover of Elle). Of course, Tika had on just as fashionable an outfit for every ensemble that Priyanka modeled (as expected of a dog with one million Instagram followers).
Tika was very generous with her compliments, and even asked if she could “borrow” one of the Isn’t It Romantic star’s outfits for the pooch’s “next Zoom meeting.” The high-fashion doggie wasn’t as kind, however, when Priyanka’s dog Diana Chopra Jonas (who also rocked her own outfits) declared, “I am Vogue‘s best dressed mommy!” To that, Tika said, “Um, I think you need a little practice Diana.”
Of course, there wasn’t actually a talking dog in the video. Tika was voiced by voice artist/comedian Lorena Pages, who does the voice for all those funny cat videos you see on TikTok.
However, Priyanka’s “virtual press tour” has been a very real thing! The Bollywood star has released a memoir called Unfinished on Feb. 9, which she has been promoting in a virtual U.S. book tour. Nick Jonas joined Priyanka for one of these live event discussions, who recently opened up about how many kids he’d like to have with his wife one day.
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