Chrissy Teigen always keeps it real with fans, and that’s just what she did after having endometriosis surgery on Feb. 4. After the procedure, Chrissy showed off the small bandages on her stomach, which was noticeably swollen, in a video on social media. “I’m okay, I’m home now,” Chrissy said. “I’m all numbed up.” She was dressed comfortably in sweats and on the couch resting.
In another set of videos on her Instagram Story, Chrissy revealed that she received a special donut delivery, and had no shame in eating them for the camera. “This one was a toughie,” she admitted. “My whole belly got numbed. Hopefully it will stay that way. It makes it hard, every little cough. But it’s truly still better than the contractions and the pain of endo. I don’t feel great, but tomorrow’s going to be worse, so yay!”
The model had her endometriosis surgery during the same week that her third child, Jack, was supposed to be due. Sadly, Chrissy miscarried Jack at the end of September 2020, which has made this week even more difficult for her. After having the surgery, she took to Instagram to reminisce about announcing her pregnancy in husband, John Legend’s, music video, and share more about losing her child.
Along with a series of photos from the music video shoot, Chrissy wrote, “I was 10 weeks along and out of my mind happy. I knew the video would take a bit to get together, so I thought it’d be cute to share our news with the world through the ol classic hand on belly trick at the end. I could have never imagined what would happen over the next 10 weeks…not sure I’ll ever be able to watch that video again without sobbing but I hope he feels my tears and knows we miss him so.”
She also admitted that she couldn’t look at Jack after she gave birth to him at just 20 weeks. “I am so full of regret that I didn’t look at his face when he was born,” Chrissy continued. “I was so scared of seeing him in my nightmares that i forgot about seeing him in my dreams. I hurt every day from that remorse. This month is a tough reminder and to be honest, I thought the worst was over, but I guess life and emotions aren’t on any sort of schedule.”
Earlier this week, Chrissy opened up about still feeling Jack’s presence, despite losing him more than four months ago. “I truly feel kicks in my belly, but it’s not phantom,” she explained. “The period feeling this month is exactly like baby kicks. I’ll pretend it’s him saying hi.” The endometriosis surgery was meant to correct these issues.