Meghan Trainor shared a gorgeous maternity photo with her fans as she counts down the days until she gives birth. The singer posted a photo to her Instagram page on Jan. 29 where she looked like a pregnant woodland fairy princess, complete with green and pink flowers and leaves in her long blonde hair. The 27-year-old wore an off-the-shoulder seafoam green tulle netted gown around her, with an opening at her chest to show her large, bare baby bump. You can see the gorgeous portrait here.
The color and fabric Meghan used was reminiscent of Beyonce‘s iconic pregnancy photo where she announced to the world that she was expecting twins. The Feb. 1, 2017 portrait showed the superstar covered in a layer of seafoam green tulle netting like Meghan wore, while Bey flaunted her bare belly in a maroon bra and blue ruffled underwear.
Meghan Trainor arrives at Nile Rodgers’ Brit Awards viewing party fundraiser on February 18, 2020. Photo credit: AP.
Meghan and husband Daryl Sabara are expecting a baby boy who is due in the next few weeks. She captioned the gorgeous pregnancy portrait, “Soooo closeeee. love him so much already,” about their upcoming bundle of joy. The “Me Too” singer had initially shared another photo in the green tulle gown on Jan. 21, but she ended up using it update fans on how her pregnancy was coming along.
At the time she captioned the Instagram portrait, “Preggo update: Baby is breech again at 36 weeks so I’ve been laying upside down on my couch everyday lol…other than that we are doing amazing and we’re ready to meet this baby!!!! Also nowadays I don’t look anything like this but damn we looked good this day. Big thanks to the team!!” for how great her maternity shoot turned out.
Meghan Trainor attends the Christian Cowan X The Powerpuff Girls Season II runway show at LA’s NeueHouse on Sunday, March 8, 2020. Photo credit: AP.
In an EXCLUSIVE interview with in November 2020, Meghan spilled to us that she and Daryl had chosen their baby’s name before they knew if they were having a boy or a girl. “We kind of picked the name before. We were always like, ‘I don’t know, it could be this.’ We picked it before we knew the gender even,” Meghan told us during an Instagram Live chat. “We have this one name that we love. That’s the only thing I’m keeping a secret because I’m terrible. I tell everything to everybody. We’re like, ‘Let’s have a goal and keep the name!’” So far the “All About That Bass” singer has been able to keep the name to herself, but with the baby due so soon, the world is going to find out in just a matter of time.
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