Almost every single cast member took a COVID-19 test during the second hour of the back-to-back episodes of Teen Mom 2 on Nov. 24, as the country started emerging from its initial lockdown in July 2020. Chelsea Houska, who discovered she’s expecting her fourth baby with husband Cole DeBoer, found out her test came back negative, and Briana DeJesus‘ sister also received the same, fortunate news. Leah Messer, however, faced a different, more heartbreaking scenario.
After Leah’s daughter Aleeah Grace revealed she wasere feeling sick, Leah and ex Corey Simms feared the worst. They thought their daughter had contracted COVID-19 after reuniting with him, following a two-week quarantine, and returning to her regular routine of cheerleading practice.
Leah soon discovered that Gracie had a fever of 103.6 after returning to cheerleading practices, so she and Corey decided to get both girls tested so they could rule out COVID-19. And fortunately for them, the girls just had strep throat.
Corey was ecstatic and the girls, themselves, also revealed how “happy” they were to find out they had strep. Corey joked about how funny it is to find relief in a strep diagnosis, as he poked fun at how crazy 2020 has been.
Want more drama? Find out what happened in the first episode, and then, catch new episodes of Teen Mom 2 on Tuesdays at 8pm on MTV.
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