Confusion has set in big time. Kirsten Dunst, 38, had a couple of questions for Kanye West, 42, over a photo he posted on Thursday, August 18, that was allegedly shared without her permission or knowledge. The grid-like banner had her face lined at the top along with other notable names including Vogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour, 70, with the words “Kanye 2020 Vision” splashed many times in between. “What’s the message here, and why am I apart of it?,” she responded to his tweet the following day along with a confused emoji.
What’s the message here, and why am I apart of it? 🤷🏼♀️
— Kirsten Dunst (@kirstendunst) August 20, 2020
The snap Kanye used of Kristen is similar to the other ones featured on his campaign image in that many of the people featured are smiling from ear to ear. He has yet to respond to her questions on social media as of Thursday, August 19, although the “Gold Digger” rapper has tweeted about a plethora of other things including his love for the classic board game Othello and how he prefers FaceTime over Zoom.
President Donald Trump, 74, has had his fair share of celebrities questioning him over why they are using things that belong to them. Many legendary artists, from Adele to The Rolling Stones to Neil Young, have spoken publicly about their frustration whenever he plays their music at one of his political rallies without their permission.
Kanye, who was recently seen getting lunch with comedian and talk show host Steve Harvey, 63, at Chik-Fil-A, channeled Trump with how he slightly shaded now vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris after Democratic nominee Joe Biden chose her to be his running mate.
“I know my mom and Kamala Harris would have been friends,” he wrote next to a photo of his late mother Donda as a child on Saturday, August 15. “Congratulations on being the democratic Vice President nominee. All love and respect from the future president. It’s an honor to run against you.” Kanye announced his bid for POTUS in the evening hours of July 4th and has been making headlines ever since with every political move he makes.
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