Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly are inseparable! Since going public with their relationship, the couple have been spotted doing everything together, and the “Bloody Valentine” rapper, 30, even dished on what late-night snacks the pair eat.”She’s probably ordering sushi,” he said, when asked what the duo’s go-to midnight order is, during an interview on 104.3 The Shark. “She eats super healthy. Everything is gluten-free and organic on her menu.”
He added, “My menu’s like, Shake Shack, cheeseburger.” Nevertheless, he revealed that he’s “trying to get on that wave” when it comes to healthier options.”It would be cooler if there was just a soup place that was open all night. I would just order soup all night…isn’t soup fire?!” he began. “Soup goes super hard. I was not into the soup game for some years and now I totally get it. It’s almost like the adult cereal.”
Although they’ve been seen together since May, Megan posted her first snap on Instagram with new beau on August 5, and the short caption was worth a thousand words. “Achingly Beautiful Boy… My heart is yours,” she wrote, including knives and black heart emojis in the caption. The sweet black and white mirror selfie shows the model slash actress, and her rapper BF (real name Colson Baker) posing by a mirror in what appears to be a bedroom.
The couple appear to have just taken a dip as they both have wet hair and have towels wrapped around their waists, not to mention Megan was also rocking a bikini top. The Transformers actress turned the comments off on her post, likely to avoid trolls who have been commenting on her marriage breakup from actor Brian Austin Green, 47.
MGK also posted his first couple pic with Megan to Instagram just days earlier. The sweet shot showed the heavily-tattood singer with his hand playfully resting on his girlfriend’s behind. They were both sticking their tongues out in the pic, which e captioned, “Waited for eternity to find you again.” So sweet!
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