There’s baby joy on the way for rapper Gucci Mane and Keyshia Ka’Oir. The 35-year-old entrepreneur made the big reveal in a photo wearing sexy black lingerie on Aug. 14, sharing the picture to her Twitter and Instagram accounts. She wrote in the caption, “I ain’t athletic but on @gucci1017 D I did gymnastics,” along with an emoji of a woman with a pregnant belly. Keyshia’s photo showed that she’s already got a slight bump, but in another photo from the same shoot that Gucci shared, it was much more visible.
“My beautiful wife pregnant life is good,” Gucci wrote in a Twitter post, showing Keyshia standing up to pose, while wearing the same lacy bra, panties and garter belt that she had on in her own baby announcement. But the side angle helped show the cosmetic and fitness businesswoman’s burgeoning belly, where she appears to be at least four months along.
Gucci — real name Radric Delantic Davis — and Keyshia got engaged on Nov 22, 2016, after dating since 2010. He proposed to his lady love after performing at an Atlanta Hawks NBA home game. He presented her with a whopping 25 carat diamond ring, which is seen sparkling in Keyshia’s pregnancy announcement boudoir photos.
The couple went on to tie the knot in a ceremony televised by BET on October 17, 2017. The lavish $1.7 million nuptials went down at Four Seasons Miami, and the event was attended by celebs including Diddy, Kim Zolciak-Biermann, Karrueche Tran, Lil Yachty, 2 Chainz, Big Sean and Rick Ross. There had been reports swirling in March 2018 that Keyshia was expecting and that the couple had been trying for “months” to conceive, but The Mane Event reality stars never ended up making any pregnancy announcement.
The pair has had babies on the brain for awhile. In 2017, Gucci asked his Twitter followers what he should get his wife for her January 2018 birthday. Keyshia responded in a tweet that she wanted a baby boy! The Ka’Oir Fitness founder then tweeted on Aug. 2, 2019 that “I think it’s time I get off birth control & have us the cutest lil baby boy.” A year later, the couple is finally expecting! Since she’s made multiple references to wanting a son, hopefully Keyshia will get her wish. Otherwise it would be awkward for a daughter to grow up knowing how her mom kept publicly saying she hoped to have a baby boy.
I think it’s time I get off birth control😩 & have us the cutest lil baby boy
— Keyshia Ka'oir Davis (@KeyshiaKaoir) August 2, 2019
So far the usually private couple has not disclosed whether or not they are having a son or daughter. Gucci revealed in his 2017 biography that a year prior, he found out that he had a son who was born in in 2007. Keyshia has an adult daughter and teenage twins — a son and a daughter — from a previous relationship, who she keeps out of the spotlight.