Cardi B and Offset have passed on their expensive taste to their two-year-old daughter Kulture, however the pair faced backlash after gifting her an Hermes Birkin Bag. The youngster received the hot pink accessory, which retails for around $9000, on her birthday earlier in the week — and Cardi B clapped back at fans criticizing her man, in a July 16 tweet. “No it’s not always about what your kids want. Kids want ice cream and cake all day NOT HAPPENING, My kid wants to be in the pool all day NOT HAPPENING,” she began. “We can do light up shoes and princess dress all day in the house if we going out she gotta Match me ! If I’m fly my kid too.”
No it’s not always about what your kids want.Kids want ice cream and cake all day NOT HAPPENING,My kid wants to be in the pool all day NOT HAPPENING.We can do light up shoes and princess dress all day in the house if we going out she gotta Match me ! If I’m fly my kid too
— Cardi B (@iamcardib) July 16, 2020
Her tweet was in response to dozens of followers who called out Offset over the expense of the bag. “Why does a 2 year old need that? She’s probably more excited about the box,” one follower wrote with two eye-roll emojis, while another commented, “Kids want something thoughtful of them not adult cool points! What she gone put in there? Cheetos & pop tarts edges!” Other fans pointed out that Kulture wasn’t exactly jumping off the walls when she was given the bag, as seen in a video posted by her dad. “She don’t want that she want a f**ing barbie,” one joked in the comments.
Cardi also took to her Instagram Stories, and told fans that her mini-me daughter was going to “match mommy”. She began, “Yea, kids only care about toys and candy. But the thing is, kids also go outside. Kids go to restaurants, kids go to fancy places. Celebrity kids, they go do red carpets.” Cardi continued, “And if I’m fly, and daddy’s fly, then so is the kid. If I’m wearing Cha-nay-nay [Chanel], my kid’s having the same thing. It’s not up to what the kids like. If it was the kids, they’d be outside in diapers. No, cause if I was looking like a bad b***h, expensive b***h, and I had my kid looking like a bum bum, then y’all would be talking s***. So, I’m not mad that daddy bought baby a Birkin. She gonna match mommy.”