Demi Moore took to social media on Wednesday to share photos of her work-from-home space, which have since gone viral. Why? — It appears as though her desk and computer are set up in a bathroom inside her Sun Valley, Idaho home. And, what’s even more “strange,” according to fans, is that Demi’s bathroom is…. carpeted. The internet had a field day over her “horrifying” home decor.
(Photo credit: Demi Moore/Instagram)
While fans had questions about Dirty Diana, her new podcast venture was overshadowed by the influx of bathroom inquiries. Social media users couldn’t believe the “odd” setup inside Demi’s massive powder room, which included: shaggy brown carpet; a large tub; a flower plant; and a brick wall that sat against an open toilet. Others asked about the wooden counter structure behind her in the photo.
“I think I speak for most when I ask, are you sitting in your bathroom?” one fan wrote under Demi’s Instagram post. A separate fan added, “I can’t tell if there’s a couch in the bathroom or a toilet in the living room lol.” Another wrote, “There is carpeting around the toilet. That is all I can focus on and something in me is screaming.”
starting a slack channel for the sole purpose us discussing why demi moore has both carpet and a couch in her bathroom
— Alexis “Bring Back Bunheads” Wilson (@sassyblackdiva) July 8, 2020
Even Twitter went wild over Demi’s bathroom. “Starting a Slack channel for the sole purpose [of] discussing why Demi Moore has both carpet and a couch in her bathroom,” one critic tweeted. “I could spend hours trying to figure out why this bathroom exists and still not notice everything in it,” another Twitter user added.
“Excited to finally share what I’ve been working on! First episode of #DirtyDiana drops Monday, July 13,” the Ghost actress, 57, captioned her post on Instagram. The first photo showed a smiling Demi sitting on a vintage, rose-print couch. Her computer and iPad were propped up on furniture on a table in front of her. The second shot showed Demi from behind, while she appeared to on a video call.
Despite the bathroom inquiries, Demi‘s Hollywood friends showed support for her sultry, new project. “You’re so cute,” Chelsea Handler commented. Amber Valetta added, “Can’t wait,” along with a number of red heart emojis.
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