Kanye West Faces Backlash After Revealing He’s Anti-Abortion & Claiming Vaccines Are ‘The Mark Of The Beast’

Kanye West is being called ‘delusional’ by voters after he came out against vaccines and said Planned Parenthood is doing the ‘Devil’s work.'

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“If I win in 2020, then it was God’s appointment,” Kanye West, 43, said to Forbes in a July 8 interview, and it may take a divine miracle to save his 2020 presidential campaign. Over “four rambling hours of interviews” with the publication, Kanye laid out his political views. “I am pro-life because I’m following the word of the bible,” said the religious-leaning Ye. “Planned Parenthoods have been placed inside cities by white supremacists to do the Devil’s work.”

Kanye also came out as an anti-vaxxer. “It’s so many of our children that are being vaccinated and paralyzed,” he told Forbes. “So, when they say the way we’re going to fix COVID is with a vaccine, I’m extremely cautious. That’s the mark of the beast. They want to put chips inside of us, they want to do all kinds of things, to make it where we can’t cross the gates of heaven. I’m sorry when I say they, the humans that have the Devil inside them. And the sad thing is that the saddest thing is that we all won’t make it to heaven, that there’ll be some of us that do not make it. Next question.” During the interview, Kanye claimed he contracted the coronavirus earlier in 2020.

Actually, some voters had heard enough after this. “Kanye West is an anti-vaxxer (including with COVID-19) who thinks slavery was a ‘choice’ while not being pro-choice….” one shocked voter said. “So Kanye, is Anti-abortion and an anti-vaxxer. I mean congrats on being the worse candidate Mr. West.” “So Kanye is a republican, pro-life, anti-vaxxer, who wants to require prayer in schools. He’s basically Mitt Romney lol” “Kanye is as dangerous as [Donald] Trump. A delusional self-obsessed man who wants to impose his warped views on others. Anti-vaccine!? Idiot! Anti-abortion!? Not good for women’s rights.” “Kanye needs lots of psychological help.  Delusional, narcissistic psychopathic.”



“He also said the vaccine is the mark of the beast along with a bunch of other insanity.  Kanye lost his mind sometime after College Drop Out,” added another.

On some issues, Kanye comes off as the run-of-the-mill, religious, right-wing conspiracy theorist. He wants chemicals out of our household products (“[T]here are chemicals that affect our ability to be of service to God”) and prayer back in school (“Reinstate in God’s state, in God’s country, the fear and love of God in all schools and organizations and you chill the fear and love of everything else”). On others, he is his typical Kanye self. He said he doesn’t like Black History Month, calling it “torture porn” because “every year they gotta remind us about the fact that we couldn’t vote, they meaning white supremacy construct.”

Technically, Kanye’s campaign can’t be over after this eye-opening Forbes interview – because it hasn’t officially started. As of July 6, Kanye hadn’t formally filed as a presidential candidate with the Federal Elections Commission, per Fader, and he’s missed the filing deadlines in many different states. He could launch a write-in campaign for president, but after revealing this platform, the chances of that happening have apparently dropped.