Just a couple of weeks after giving birth to a baby boy, rapper Iggy Azalea has debuted a new look. The 30-year-old Australian musician took to Instagram on June 24 to share a Polaroid-style snap of her new pink ‘do. The “Fancy” hitmaker used the old-school pic to show off the pink highlights she added to her trademark blonde locks.Iggy pulled her hair back into two mini buns, but left two large strands of hair out to hang around the frame of her face.
It appeared the baby pink highlights had only been added to the front section of the hair. Dressed in a yellow printed tee and a black jacket, the rapper showed off her cheeky side as she stuck her tongue out of her mouth. In the second snap, which she captioned with a simple peace sign emoji, Iggy tilted her head giving fans a better view of the pink strands. The new look comes just a couple of days after she shared a series of similar pics with bright red locks.
After months of speculation about a secret pregnancy, Iggy finally confirmed on June 10 that she had welcomed a baby boy with boyfriend Playboi Carti, 23. In an Instagram story, she wrote, “I have a son. I kept waiting for the right time to say something but it feels like the more time passes the more I realize I’m always going to feel anxious to share news that giant with the world.” Speculation began in Dec. 2019 that Iggy was expecting, and reports surfaced in April 2020 that she had secretly given birth.
The “Bounce” rapped added, “I want to keep his life private but wanted to make it clear he is not a secret and I love him beyond words.” Iggy did not expand on anything else, including her son’s name, when he was born or where Iggy gave birth.