Jennifer Lawrence Joins Twitter To Support Black Lives Matter After Years Of Refusing Social Media

After years of making a point NOT to join social media, Jennifer Lawrence has finally created a Twitter page in order to use her voice and platform to support Black Lives Matter.

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Jennifer Lawrence is officially on social media! The actress created a Twitter account on June 16. However, don’t expect to see intimate photos of her life at home. J.Law’s account is in partnership with Represent.Us, and appears to strictly be being used to fight for justice in the United States. The handle of Jennifer’s Twitter is @JLawrence_RepUs.

The 29-year-old’s decision to create a social media page comes amidst a widespread fight against racism in the United States. With SO many celebrities using their social media platforms to spread awareness, Jennifer has now joined the cause. Her first Twitter post was a video that explained how “corruption has broken our criminal justice system.” It also offered tips for how to fix it.

jennifer lawrence
Thibault Camus/AP/Shutterstock

Meanwhile, Jennifer’s second tweet was her pledge to speak out for justice for Breonna Taylor — a 26-year-old Black woman who was shot dead by police in her home in Louisville on March 13. After more than three months, no arrests have been made in Breonna’s case. Jennifer, and so many others, are calling for the arrest of the officers involved, who are all still employed by their police department. Since Jennifer is actually from Louisville, she has an even deeper-rooted connection to the case.

Jennifer has been very vocal in the past about how she never planned to have social media. In a 2014 interview, she said, “I will never get Twitter. I’m not very good on my phone or technology. I cannot really keep up with emails, so the idea of Twitter is unthinkable to me. It’s like this weird enigma that people talk about.”

However, in 2018, J.Law admitted to having a secret ‘Finsta’ (“Fake Instagram”) account. “I’m a voyeur,” she told InStyle at the time. “I watch, but I don’t speak.” As for why she didn’t want to go public with her page, Jennifer explained, “There is always so much backlash. So many people are listening and paying attention and they have so many opinions about absolutely everything.”