After dropping surprise pregnancy news amid quarantine, Jade Roper emerged with an update about her third baby on June 16. “17 weeks pregnant! Haven’t been good at doing these little bump-dates, but hopefully I’ll have more energy soon to take cute pics,” Jade captioned her Instagram photo, in which she cradled her bare baby bump while relaxing in an orange lace bralette and tie-dye sweatpants.
Jade had one more big piece of news for fans! “I’m thinking this is our last baby, so wanting to soak up every moment (laughing at myself when I say this cuz our kids keep us crazy busy lol) and document everything since it’ll be the last of the firsts,” she revealed in the post. If her mind is set, this means Jade and her husband Tanner Tolbert, 33, will be a permanent family of five. They already share a two-year-old daughter, Emmy, and a 10-month-old son, Brooks.
Jade’s third pregnancy is getting easier as it approaches its third trimester. She added, “My nausea only revisits me at night now, and the mornings are my favorite because little baby likes to make a bigger appearance and I can feel some tiny flutters!” Jade also revealed that her family is “packing” to visit family in Oregon — a journey that entails a “1,000 mile drive”!
Jade broke the baby news in an adorably family photo on Instagram on May 18, which was just a tad chaotic. Despite dealing with “terrible nausea and fatigue, on top of taking care of two kiddos during a pandemic,” the Bachelor in Paradise winner believed that this pregnancy was no coincidence.
“I truly believe babies being born during this time are here for a special reason, to be light workers. We are beyond happy to love another baby, to give Emmy and Brooks another sibling and to have our children be so close!,” she wrote. If anyone knows a thing about special pregnancies, it would be Jade — she gave birth to Brooks in her closet!
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