It looks like Lindsay Lohan has been using her recent downtime during the coronavirus quarantine to stay in tip-top shape. The actress took to Instagram on June 7 to share a new photo of herself, where she’s wearing spandex shorts and a matching white sports bra. In the pic, her abs and toned legs are on full display. “Starting the day with yoga,” LiLo captioned the image.
The photo was a rare look into what Lindsay does during her free time, as well as one of the more personal images she’s shared on social media in quite a while. Fans were super impressed to see how healthy and fit she looked in the image, and they let her know it by sharing their reactions in the comments section. “Damn, Africa,” someone wrote, using a reference to Lindsay’s movie, Mean Girls. Someone else added, “Gorgeous. Looking great.”
For most of 2020, Lindsay has remained low-key so far. However, she did return to the music scene in April when she released her first official single in 12 years, “Back to Me.” The lyrics in the song featured parallels to Lindsay’s own life, as it was about letting go of the past and finding oneself again. Considering Lindsay’s many troubled years, she could obviously relate.
Earlier this year, Lindsay also made headlines for leaving flirty comments on Liam Hemsworth’s Instagram page. However, during a Jan. 2020 interview, Lindsay explained that she was simply trying to get Liam’s attention to help with some charity work while she was in his home country of Australia to film The Masked Singer. “He surfs a lot and I work with the WOW Foundation, for Waves of Wellness,” Lindsay said. “That’s a very important thing for us. So I’m working with them and bringing people with energy together and he surfs. So people took that the wrong way.”