Kulture Kiari Cephus definitely knows how to show her mommy Cardi B plenty of love. The 27-year-old rapper shared the sweetest video to her Twitter account on May 27 of some playtime in her bed alongside her 22-month-old daughter. She was seen atop a comforter with Kulture sweetly sucking on her pacifier nearby. Cardi reached up to try to get it out of her mouth, but the toddler wouldn’t let go. Kulture even pulled away with a big smile on her face, like she thought they were playing a game.
Cardi then said, “Give mommy a kiss. Give mommy a kiss.” Kulture sweetly smiled down at Cardi’s phone camera, took out her binky and went right in to fulfill her mama’s request for a kiss on the lips. The “I Like It” rapper then let out a loving laugh at the sweet mother-daughter bonding moment. She was obviously so proud that Kulture knew exactly what to do when her mom wanted some physical affection from her little one. Cardi captioned the video “Loud and wrong.” It was a clap back to something a user told her earlier, about how Kulture “didn’t like” her mommy cause she would ignore Cardi in videos. The Grammy winner even included the comment at the bottom of her post showing Kulture giving her a kiss.
Loud and wrong https://t.co/h8IAjtS3XC pic.twitter.com/OhoufJ0GZM
— Cardi B (@iamcardib) May 27, 2020
User @platinum2113 tweeted, “Kulture don’t like her momma and that’s the funniest part every video she be ignoring tf outta all that screaming.” He was referring to a video that a fan posted to Twitter earlier in the day that came from one of Cardi’s Instagram live sessions. It showed Kulture sitting on the sofa, quietly playing with a game as the rapper yelled her name loudly over and over again. Kulture didn’t even look up, as she kept sucking on her pacifier and not paying attention to her mom. Even the rapper got a laugh out of it, but the comment that Kulture “didn’t like her mommy” crossed a line. Thus, Cardi gave fans the sweet video of her daughter giving her a kiss to prove the troll wrong.
Fans flipped for the video and what a little cutie Kulture was, while not feeding the troll’s comment. User @shanuddin889 tweeted the observation, “@iamcardib Lmao kulture was about to kiss the camera first,” while @lashortibionda told the rapper, “@iamcardib Kulture’s personality will be iconic I can feel it.” Fan @scorpioAna84 added, “@iamcardib Que LINDA! Got bless her. She’s so precious. You’re a wonderful mom Cardi. Keep it up and raise that little Queen w/lots of love.” That’s exactly what Cardi is doing!
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