JoJo Siwa said goodbye to her signature ponytail on Instagram — well, at least temporarily. The “It’s Time To Celebrate” singer, 16, showed off a more toned-down look in her May 4 post, revealing her hair in its natural state. When she’s not dolled up in neon everything, with a giant bow on top of her head, JoJo has long, straight, and light blonde hair. It’s gorgeous! The video starts with JoJo standing in her home, wearing skinny jeans and an oversize, black Blow Pop t-shirt. Her hair, which reaches past her shoulders, is stick-straight and tucked behind one ear with a barrette. It’s an adorable look, and one we rarely see from The JoJo & BowBow Show Show star.
Her video, which you can watch below, has an inspirational message. This makeover is only temporary! JoJo lip synchs to the Imagine Dragons song “It’s Time”, and when she gets to the “I’m never changing who I am” lyric, she pretends to punch the camera. When her fist pulls back, she’s dressed in her normal garb: purple satin pants, a hot pink sequined shirt, a rainbow pleather jacket with fringed shoulders, and a pair of glittery sunglasses. Her hair, of course, is pulled back into a tight ponytail and topped with a rainbow bow. Welcome back, JoJo! Her fans loved the sentiment behind her video. The Dance Moms alum has gotten some flack from haters for continuing to dress like this as she gets older. But, this is who she is!
Her dedicated fans absolutely loved that she was standing up for herself. “Love this JoJo always be you!” one commented, adding the unicorn and crown emojis. “I love this! You don’t need to change JoJo, we love you the way you are!” commented another, using heart emojis.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen JoJo sans ponytail. In April, JoJo said on TikTok that if she reached a certain number of followers, she’d do whatever the top comment said. It happened to be, “dress normal for a day.” She gave them a brief glimpse of herself wearing a black tee and curly hair!
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