Chris Brown, 30, took to his Instagram stories on April 28 and shared an adorable video of his five-month-old son Aeko Catori Brown. The tiny infant smiled and cooed for mom Ammika Harris, 26, who could be heard behind the camera directing her precious newborn. “One, two, and kick,” the model said with a sweet laugh to Aeko who was dressed in a cute white onesie adorned with little moons.
Ammika and Aeko have been in Germany since early January and Chris has been unable to visit the pair due to the COVID-19 pandemic as there is currently a travel ban which restricts him from going there. But the Grammy Award-winning singer has gushed over his son in several delightful videos and snapshots he shared on social media since Chris And Ammika welcomed Aeko in Nov. 2019 after keeping quiet about Ammika’s pregnancy. And of course, Chris has been keeping in touch with Ammika and Aeko via FaceTime, and Ammika has been sending him photo and video updates of the newborn.
As we previously reported, even though Chris is missing his little boy, he’s accepted the fact that they’ll have to be apart for now and know it’s for his best. A source spoke with HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY and said, “Chris knows that the safest place for Aeko right now is with his mom. He would never want to take that away from Ammika, especially during a time like this. As much as he misses his son, and of course wants to see him, he knows Ammika is an amazing mom and that’s where Aeko needs to be.”
Chris has also been letting Ammika know he hasn’t forgotten about her after he popped into her Instagram comments on April 26. After she shared a gorgeous photo of herself wearing a bra top, with her hair cascading down her back, Chris made sure to let her know how he felt in the comments section of the photo and wrote, “PRETTIEST WOMAN ON THE PLANET!!!!” Fans loved that the singer took notice of Ammika’s stunning pic, and replied to him with messages full of heart emojis and more.
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