Criminals better watch out if they’re on Padma Lakshmi‘s list! The gorgeous 49-year-old went full Miami Vice in a new photo she shared to her Instagram account on April 26. In the image, the Top Chef host sported a green and black tracksuit and black bra, highlighting her toned abs. She added a gold necklace and a pair of black sunglasses while posing with her hands on her hips and staring off into the distance — poised to shut down any crime spree happening on her watch. “Caption this,” she began the accompanying words on her post, with an emoji wearing sunglasses. “Miami Vice 2020: Fighting crime while fully supported™️ Lewk by Adele,” she finished off the caption, adding the hashtags “swish” and “suited up.”
While Padma may have been suited up to fight some crime in her April 26 Instagram post, her look was slightly more relaxed in the kitchen on April 13. In the video she shared with her followers, which also featured her 10-year-old daughter, Krishna Lakshmi-Dell, or “Little Hands,” as her mother endearingly calls her, Padma showed her fans how to make a delicious lasagna with white ragu! As if that wasn’t good enough, Padma’s style was the perfect relaxed look for quarantine. She sported a pair of sweatpants and layered two sports bras in direct response to an April 7 post. “Lasagna with White Ragu (I got some comments last time that it was immoral for me to not wear a bra in my own kitchen during the quarantine. So those people should be happy to note that I’m wearing two today) But seriously, let’s not police women’s bodies in 2020 ok?” she captioned the video, adding a crying/laughing emoji.
Fans loved Padma’s sly response to haters, and some even revealed that they had been working the no-bra look for months since their quarantine began! But the body-positive energy that Padma brought to her cooking video is nothing new for the gorgeous mother-of-one. In a January 18 post, Padma declared that she was “feelin’ fine at 49,” sharing an image of herself in a black string bikini where her fit figure was on full display! She completely radiated confidence, and fans loved to see her work it!
Quarantine has seen a very playful side of Padma. The accomplished author even showed off her dance moves to Fleetwood Mac‘s “Dreams” and Doja Cats‘ “Candy” in an April 1 video. There, she wore a sexy silk nightgown and showed off her perfectly choreographed dance moves, which she admitted took “precisely 29 takes” to get just right! You have to see the final product!
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