Kylie Jenner rocks a bodysuit like nobody’s business — whether she’s at fashion week, or simply chilling at home in isolation. The mom-of-one took to Instagram on April 4 to share a sultry snap of herself in the skintight, black outfit amid the coronavirus lockdown. The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star captioned the pic with a simple black heart emoji, as she raised her hands above her head and showed off her curves in the figure-hugging ensemble. Kylie’s natural tresses, which she’s rocking during quarantine, were swept out of her face as she showed off her signature no makeup-makeup look.
The 22-year-old pouted her full lips, and highlighted her cheekbones with a light blush. Her makeup look was finished with a sleek black eyeliner, as she showed off her massive diamond earrings. It comes as Kylie revealed her plans for baby number two in an April 4 Instagram Live to help raise money for DoorDash’s Feeding America campaign. “I don’t want another baby right now. I want seven kids down the line, but not right now,” she said in the live video. “Pregnancy is just not a joke. It’s a serious thing and it’s hard. I’m not ready for that just yet.”
In addition to revealing her future plan for kids, Kylie told viewers about the games she’s gotten for two-year old Stormi, who she shares with ex Travis Scott, 27, while they’ve be in quarantine together. “I have bought Stormi all of the outdoor games possible, a bouncy house, a slip and slide, everything,” she happily said. “She’s been outside every day. I’m trying to keep her entertained. As a kid, she has no idea what’s going on in life. It’s amazing.”
Kylie has been making sure to keep her fans entertained by sharing various videos and pics of her mini-me while in quarantine and it’s been the cutest thing to see. On April 2 she shared an adorable clip of Stormi watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians on TV while eating some snacks and wearing pajamas with rainbows and clouds on them. Too cute!