It hasn’t even been two years since Nick Jonas, 27, and Priyanka Chopra, 37, tied the knot in December 2018, but the couple is still living on Cloud Nine amid quarantine during the novel coronavirus pandemic. The duo is “still in the honeymoon phase when everyone sees them together,” a source shared EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife when revealing how the three Jo Bros are handling the effects of the novel coronavirus. Furthermore, the time spent at home with their respective families means that the brothers aren’t out on tour. But that is giving them the opportunity “to recharge and be even better when they return.”
Now that Nick and his brothers — Joe, 30, and Kevin, 32, — aren’t focusing on music, it gives all three of them time to be “with their wives.” And, per our source, all three of the brothers “are very happy.” Kevin, who has been married to wife Danielle, 33, since 2009, already has two little ones keeping him busy. It’s “business as usual” for the eldest Jo Bro and his family. Joe, on the other hand, might just be preparing to welcome his first child with wife Sophie Turner, 24, as reports continue to circulate that the couple are expecting!
But for all three couples, this “time with their wives has made everything stronger and the absence from the stage has helped the brothers, as well.” Naturally, Nick and his brothers are “excited to get back on stage when the time is right,” the source continued. But while they’re at home, each couple is taking the opportunity to enjoy their time together and remind their fans of what’s most important.
On March 20, Nick and Priyanka took to Nick’s Instagram account to give their fans some peace of mind during this uncertain time. “I know it’s an unsure time for all of us but I hope you’re doing OK,” Nick began in the video. “We’re sending you positive vibes.” Priyanka then chimed in with her own message, saying, “Let’s just take care of each other, and I hope everyone is safe out there just lots of love.”
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