Four-month-old Aeko Brown is in good hands with his doting mom, Ammika Harris. On March 18, the model, 26, who shares Aeko with her former partner Chris Brown, 30, took to her Instagram story to share a beautiful black and white image of her infant son looking lovingly at his mom while she snapped the photo. Aeko, who laid on a blanket with little clouds framing him, sported a dinosaur pacifier in his mouth and a warm, long-sleeve onesie covered up by a soft blanket. Ammika, ever the loving first-time mom, caressed Aeko’s cheek with her hand while capturing the image.
But it was Ammika’s beautifully written caption that really pulled at the heartstrings of every single one of her followers. “The sweetest thing on Earth,” Ammika began the caption to her post. She then went into a story about how Aeko “was sleeping in bed with me. When he woke up he tapped my back until I turned around and he would give me the biggest smile,” she wrote. Ammika closed out her caption by writing, “God made you for me. That’s for sure,” adding a red heart emoji after her words.
Of course, Ammika is always showing her roughly 820 thousand followers just how much she adores her little boy. On March 16, Ammika posted two images of her son to her Instagram account while he was completely sound asleep. Wearing a mustard yellow onesie with patterns of the world on it, Aeko’s eyes were completely shut as he rested after a long day. “I have the most beautiful baby boy,” Ammika wrote as the caption to her post. It was such a serene, candid moment, and fans loved that Ammika was willing to share it with them.
Since welcoming their son in November, Ammika and Chris have been nothing but committed parents to their sweet little son. Chris, who already shares five-year-old daughter Royalty Brown with Nia Guzman, couldn’t be happier or feel more fulfilled to have his two little ones in his life. Fans cannot wait to see what these two proud parents share with their fans in the future!
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