Ammika Harris will never forget the moment she welcomed her beautiful three-month-old son, Aeko, into the world. The 26-year-old mother shared a new photo to her Instagram on March 1 that fully displayed her new ink on left ring finger. In small red digits was the time “2:11,” the exact time that she and former partner Chris Brown, 30, welcomed Aeko into their lives. Ammika showed off the new ink while wearing a red, fuzzy coat with long sleeves and fashioning her manicure to bring out the ink with beautiful, luminous red hues on each of her fingernails. “2:11pm ; an angel was born,” Ammika captioned the photo.
Even before Ammika got her new tattoo, fans had seen time and again just how much Ammika loves her sweet infant son. Only a few short days ago, on Feb. 27, Ammika shared a candid snap to her Instagram story of her son cradled in her arms. Aeko was fast asleep, wrapped up in his mother’s love, and looked so incredibly at peace while he got in some much needed nap time. Ammika described the moment as, “The best feeling in the world is to hold the love of your life in your arms.” It was truly such a magical moment shared between the two.
Furthermore, Ammika and Aeko share such a close bond that they bear quite a striking resemblance to one another, even though Aeko is only three months old! In her Feb. 24 Instagram story, Ammika posted two photos side-by-side. The first image at the top featured sweet little Aeko gazing directly at the camera with his big brown eyes. The second featured Ammika looking off into the distance. From their eyes to their noses and everything in between, fans simply couldn’t help but notice just how alike the mother-son pair looked!
There’s no denying it, Ammika really is head-over-heels for her son! The mother-of-one has essentially dedicated her social media platform to images of her baby boy, and with each new pic or video, fans fall even more for Chris and Ammika’s little one. With her latest ink, Ammika has shown just how grateful she is to be the mother of Aeko. And we cannot wait to see more of these two in the future!
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