Following a nine-month hiatus from the social media platform, Olivia Jade Giannulli, 20, returned to Instagram on Dec. 4 with two new selfies that fans absolutely adored. The YouTuber and beauty influencer took to her account to share two new, simple selfies. The first playful snap featured Olivia with her hand in front of her face, squinting at the camera with her hair pulled up in a messy bun while wearing a black tank top. The second snap, however, featured Olivia gazing at the camera with soft, natural makeup highlighting her best features. “i hope you have a beautiful day,” Olivia captioned the post.
Of course, Olivia’s supportive fans loved the post, as well. A slew of comments flooded into the beauty influencer’s post, including, “beautiful beautiful girl.” Another fan chimed in to say the 20-year-old was “looking gorgeous.” When fans weren’t leaving adoring messages, followers commented with heart emojis, which were strewn throughout the comment section of the post.
The pics come months after Olivia’s parents, Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, were charged in the college admission scandal in March 2019. On April 15, 2019, the couple entered a not guilty plea for their charges, which included conspiracy to commit mail fraud, conspiring to commit fraud and money laundering in connection with the case and paying $500,000 to get Olivia and her sister, Isabella Rose, 21, onto the University of Southern California crew team, thus ensuring their admission to the school. The couple could face years imprisonment for their crimes, with a jury to decide their final punishment.
While Lori and Mossimo await their fate, Olivia has begun to return to her social media platforms and the YouTube page that made her quasi-famous. On Dec. 1, Olivia made the first post to her YouTube page since the scandal broke. As the video rolled, Olivia was clearly choked up at the prospect of returning to her platform. “As much as I wish I could talk about all of this…there’s no point in me just talking for 10 minutes to the camera about how I wish I could say something when I really can’t, so I’m gonna leave it at that,” she said in the video. As her family continues to maneuver their situation, Olivia’s fans are clearly standing beside her and lending their support.
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