‘The Challenge’ Recap: A Shocking Elimination DQ Sends 1 Of The Strongest Females Home

Things get heated between team U.S. during this week's episode of 'The Challenge,' and in the end, one of the strongest players in the game is sent home.

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The Sept. 18 episode of The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 begins after Wes was sent home, which happened after his own team members, Laurel and Josh, turned against him and voted him into an elimination. Now, Laurel’s goal is to pick off the other members of Wes’ alliance — Cara Maria, Paulie, Kam, Ashley and [Ninja] Natalie — one by one. This week’s challenge requires each player to carry a relic while running up a huge hill, transferring the relic to the top. However, while one team is on offense and running their relics, the other is on defense, where they use various objects to try and get their opponents to drop their relics, having to start over.

Team U.S. has been dominant so far, but Laurel and her main ally, Johnny Bananas, have a plan to change that. They actually want to throw the challenge so that their team will have to vote at least one person into elimination. Johnny purposely drops his relic, then bumps into Ashley so that she drops hers. She’s livid and blows up on him, and gives up on the challenge. Team. U.S. quits, automatically giving U.K. the win.

It doesn’t take long for Team U.K. to implode themselves, though, as it’s not easy for them to decide who will form the tribunal. After a team-wide argument, T.J. Lavin says the players will have to vote on a speaker, and the vote comes down to Dee and KyleC.T. is the last one to vote and break the tie. Since C.T’s friendly with Cara on the U.S. team, and knows that Kyle will most definitely vote Cara in, he chooses Dee. Dee picks Idris and Georgia as her fellow tribunal members, as they’ve both been in eliminations and she thinks they deserve the spot.

Ahead of the vote, Laurel convinces Ashley to turn on her alliance and vote with the Laurel/Johnny alliance. Laurel promises to save Ashley from being voted in if she agrees. After a heated argument between Laurel and the Wes alliance at the vote, Ashley sticks with Laurel, and Ninja Natalie is voted in.

Natalie wants to go against Laurel, and Dee wants to grant her wish. However, Georgia is hesitant — she doesn’t want to vote Laurel in, and would rather see Cara Maria go into an elimination. At the Proving Ground, Georgia goes for Laurel, but Idris and Dee send in Laurel, so it’s a Laurel vs. Ninja challenge.

The ladies have to climb a tree with 21 pegs, using all 21 pegs to get to the top and ring a bell. Ninja comes from American Ninja Warrior, so this challenge was basically made for her. Laurel finishes first, but after a massive celebration, Natalie notices that her opponent actually missed placing one of her pegs into a hole. It turns into another race between the women up the tree, with Natalie finishing first.

Laurel isn’t convinced that she actually lost, but after the tapes are played back, T.J. confirms that Laurel missed one of the holes, and she’s sent home. Natalie sticks with Team U.S., and we’ll see if they’re able to get their s*** together when the show continues next week!