Beyonce’s Making the Gift documentary, which aired Sept. 16 on ABC, gave an inside look at the making of Bey’s The Lion King: The Gift album. However, the 38-year-old also gave a rare glimpse into her personal life. Beyonce and JAY-Z’s adorable twins Sir and Rumi Carter, both 2, were featured in the documentary, along with their older sister Blue Ivy, 7. At one point during the documentary, Beyonce asks Rumi, “What does the cat do?” Rumi adorably goes, “Meow.” Beyonce then asks, “What does the cow do?” Rumi makes the “caw” sound for a big and Bey starts giggling.
“The cow,” Beyonce says again. And that’s when Rumi gets it right. When Rumi says “moo,” Beyonce is such a proud mama. As the singer bounces her baby girl on her knee, Rumi starts to giggle and it’s the cutest thing. There’s also a cute moment on a plane when the “Lemonade” singer is holding Sir and Rumi is right next to them. The twins are the perfect mixture of Beyonce and JAY-Z, 49.
The TV special also featured footage of Blue Ivy showing off her singing skills. She proves she’s got incredible vocals just like her mama when she records the lyrics for “Brown Skin Girl.”
RUMI CARTER IS ADORABLE! This was a cute moment with her and Beyoncé! 😍🥰 #MakingTheGift
— M. L. (@untrell92) September 17, 2019
My nephew saw the Rumi & Sir and said ”awwwww!” #MakingTheGift
— M. L. (@untrell92) September 17, 2019
Beyonce and JAY-Z keep their personal life very private, especially when it comes to their kids, so this footage was a real treat. The couple was spotted taking their family on a getaway to The Hamptons in Aug. 2019. Sir and Rumi rocked matching playsuits for their day out on the beach with their parents. Earlier in the year when Bey reflected on 2018, she included her twins in an Instagram round-up video.
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