Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Compares ‘Fake’ JWoww To His GF Jen Harley: It’s Like Dealing ‘With A Corpse’

In the July 25 episode of 'Jersey Shore: Family Vacation,' Ronnie Ortiz-Magro launched into a long rant after JWoww refused to talk about her and Roger Mathew's divorce. JWoww's silence reminded him of Jen Harley!

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JWoww, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, Jen Harley
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Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, 33, took issue with JWoww and girlfriend Jen Harley‘s communication skills — or rather, the supposed lack thereof — on the July 25 episode of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation. Ronnie put both ladies on blast after JWoww, 33, declined to chat about her divorce from Roger Mathews, 44, at a bar (side note — this was filmed a few months before JWoww accused Roger of domestic abuse, allegations that he defended himself against). “I don’t want to be on camera with this. We’re not talking about it,” the mother of two told a curious Ronnie, and she was even backed up by Deena Cortese, 32. Ronnie thought shutting down the conversation was hypocritical.

“Everyone does it to me,” Ronnie told JWoww and Deena, as his tumultuous relationship with his off-again, on-again girlfriend was hashed out between the cast throughout Season 1 of the Jersey Shore reboot. Elaborating on this thought, Ronnie later said in a confessional, “When I was going through s**t, everyone was so worried and they wanted to talk about it. So why isn’t everyone worried about Jenni going through a divorce? We all know stuff about each other and it just seems like everyone just wants to put my s**t out there, but at the same time, ignore Jenni and what she’s going through out of respect.”

Ronnie interpreted the hush-hush nature of Jenni and Roger’s split, which happened in Sept. 2018, as a sign of disrespect. “It just shows that there’s a lack of respect that they have for me and my life, because when s**t was going on with me and Jen, everyone wanted to talk about it. I was their entertainment,” he complained in the confessional. Ronnie even empathized with Roger, as the MTV star added, “I know what he’s going through. To be with somebody that is so cold and shows no emotion and all you do is give and give and give, it hurts. How do you deal with someone that’s f***king fake and not in touch with their emotions and not communicative? I get it.” Ronnie even went so far as to assume he and Roger are “dealing with the same person”!

Ronnie was really fired up, as his rant wasn’t over. “It’s the worst thing ever to be with someone and not know how they feel. You might as well f***ing be with a f***ing corpse,” he vented. Ronnie’s confessional swayed one fan to tweet that JWoww is the “biggest hypocrite,” so the mother of Meilani, 5, and Greyson, 3, explained why it may have seemed that way.

“This was in October when nothing was public. So no hypocrisy there sweetie,” JWoww clapped back in a tweet on July 26, adding, “I chose to keep this matter private for my Children. Some people like to put their s**t out on Ig and not think about how that will affect their loved ones.” Indeed, there was nothing private about JWoww’s split with Roger after she fired off an over 2,000-word open letter in which she accused her ex of abuse, bad parenting and reaching out to her other exes in Jan. 2019.