All That is back! The beloved Nickelodeon 90’s sketch comedy show that helped Nick Cannon, Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell become household names returned in June 2019 with a brand new cast. However, some familiar faces – like Josh Server and Lori Beth Denberg — have popped up to give fans of the original series a treat. So, will Amanda Bynes, who got her start on the original All That before getting her own spin-off, make a special cameo on the new show?
Kel Mitchell — who is an executive producer on the reboot, along with Kenan Thompson — talked EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife about the possibility of Amanda’s return while launching The Good Burger Pop Up Restaurant in West Hollywood, California. The co-owner of the hottest burger joint also dished on how the original All That cast stays in contact and the possibility about a Good Burger reboot.
HollywoodLife: How nostalgic is this for you?
Kel Mitchell: It’s been awesome. This is really surreal.
Talk to me about what it’s been like now that all that the reboot is back as well?
To executive produce that — To be producing it with my cast mate that became my brother? It’s just been awesome. We’re having a blast and giving advice to new kids, and the kids are so funny. All seven of them.
Do you and Kenan ever talk about doing just a Good Burger reboot? I’m sure you get asked all the time.
Yes. We have been talking about it. We’re talking about GB too. Just know that we’re ready. We’re ready, but some other people, they a little higher up. They gotta make it happen. But yes, we’re down. We’re totally down for making it happen.
Do you think we’re getting closer to it finally happening?
We are getting very close. The story has to be good. We’ve had a few ideas that we chopped around to make it happen. We’re excited. But until then you could come to The Good Burger Pop Up.
Will we see him here too, or have you guys talked about doing something here together?
Yes. We have talked about it. He is in New York, so he’s like boom. But he will be here because we’ll be here for six months so he’ll be here.
I can’t wait. Have you guys all kept in touch over the… All of you All Thaters?
[Angelique Bates] goes to my church. Lori Beth [Danberg] and Josh [Server]; we have been wanting to do all that; playing around, guest starring a little bit. You know we’ve seen them all, and we all stay in contact on Instagram. So staying in contract with Lisa [Foiles]. Katrina [Johnson], everybody. Yeah. That’s just a whole new cast. Yeah.
Any chance at all we… I mean Amanda Bynes to make an appearance or have you heard from her, Nick Cannon?.
Yes. Amanda just graduated from fashion school, so I’m super excited about that. That’s like my little sister, so I’m excited about that. We would love for her to come on all that; Nick Cannon as well. I talked to Nick yesterday, so we’re excited about that. That’s my boy.
Do you think they both will come on at some point?
Of course.
So exciting. So you guys all keep in touch?
Everybody keeps in touch. Yeah.
So is there a group text? Do you guys get together once a month?
Instagram. We talk through Instagram. We talk through social media. That’s how we all get together.
So this would really be like Amanda’s come back into the industry a little bit for a while. Have you thought about that?
I don’t know if I’ve thought about that, but I think it’d be great. For Amanda to do that. That’d be fun. I mean she’s definitely in fashion school right now, so we’re excited about that. So we’ll just give positive vibes to that.
So she will, or she won’t be? Are you guys figuring out if she would come back?
We’re talking to her. Yeah.
Are you still planning on starting your own Orange Soda Line, and do you still love it?
Yes. I do. I do, but I drink a lot healthier now, so we’re definitely trying to get like an electrolyte or some type of pre-workout. Yeah.
Favorite All That skit over the years?
Of course, “Good Burger.” Since we’re right here, in the Good Burger pop up. I opened up my own restaurant, man.
Do people still come up to you on the street and say, like what-
They do. They come up. They say, “Welcome to Good Burger.” at red lights, all over the place. Yeah.
All That airs weekly on Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon.
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