Priyanka Chopra, 36, and her husband Nick Jonas, 26, have been around the world and back these past few months, in the most stylish outfits. The couple left The Ritz Carlton Hotel in London on Sunday, July 7, when they looked all dressed up in their fabulous outfits. For the occasion, Priyanka opted to wear head-to-toe gold, rocking a high-waisted flowy pleated Ulla Johnson Skirt with a matching halter top with a turtleneck tucked in. The entire outfit was metallic gold with sparkly fabric and she accessorized her look with a pair of metallic gold strappy Alexandre Birman Shanty Sandals and a white Stalvey 1.7 Mini Beauty Case. Meanwhile, Nick wore New Balance “dad shoes”.
While the couple usually loves to coordinate their outfits, they chose not to this time, shockingly. Instead, Nick threw on a black mesh Mr Turk Carlo Pullover top, which was completely see-through, donning a light beige suede jacket on top. He paired his shirt with black skinny jeans, (his go-to), a pair of gray workout sneakers, and a black leather clutch. Even though we loved both of their outfits separately, we have to admit, we love it when the couple matches their outfits.
The couple has been matching their outfits for quite awhile, but just recently, while in Paris, France celebrating Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner’s wedding, the couple has been on a roll in fabulous outfits. They both chose to wear olive green when they left their hotel in Paris on Monday, June 24, to go to Crazy Horse, a cabaret club. Priyanka looked amazing in head-to-toe olive green Peter Pilotto, opting to wear a skintight metallic one-shoulder top with one billowing long-sleeve. The long top was fitted to Priyanka’s toned figure, and she paired the shirt with the matching fitted flare-leg trousers. She accessorized her dazzling look with a pair of Kendra Scott square hoop earrings, black cat-eye sunglasses, black ankle-strap sandals, and a cute beaded mini purse. Meanwhile, Nick was around her arm when he chose to wear a super fitted dark green suit, rocking a colorful floral button-down underneath. He topped his look off with Ray-Ban sunglasses and brown Baudoin & Lange loafers.
Whether the couple chooses to coordinate their outfits or not, one thing’s for sure, they always manage to make a statement in their stylish ensembles.
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