Rihanna, 31, attended the Sri Lanka vs West Indies match at the 2019 ICC Cricket World Cup in London on Monday, July 1, when she opted to wear head-to-toe white. The singer looked casually chic when she donned an oversized white Fenty Denim Corset Dress as a jacket, choosing to keep the coat unbuttoned, showing off her tiny crop top underneath. RiRi threw on a tiny, tight white halter neck crop top which she chose to go completely braless under, as always. She paired the top with a pair of high-waisted, super baggy white linen trousers with wide legs that draped the floor. Rihanna accessorized her look with a pair of crisp white Nike Air Force 1 Sneakers, a pair of huge Fenty Techno Mask Sunglasses in Brownsberry, and a few layered necklaces featuring a gold choker and a massive diamond pendant.
As for her glam, Rihanna rocked her bright red, waist-length cornrow braids that she debuted recently, and a hot pink lip. Rihanna just debuted her new braided hair in the best way possible, when she arrived at her Fenty Pop-Up Launch Party on June 18 at The Webster in New York City. Rihanna looked drop-dead-gorgeous in a sexy little Fenty Fuchsia Drawstring Satin Mini Dress, accessorized with the most fabulous David Webb jewels, but it was her gorgeous, long tight braids that stole the show. Rihanna’s hair was dyed a bright red and her tight braids were super thin and tight, starting at her scalp and ending all the way at her waist.
We loved Rihanna’s ensemble, and we think it’s so cool how only Rihanna can pull off a baggy look like this and make it sexy. Her past few outfits have been seriously sexy and aside from this all-white look and fuchsia mini dress, we really loved her plaid jumpsuit when she was the special guest on the Late Night With Seth Meyers, on Wednesday, June 19, in NYC. RiRi opted to wear a strapless green and blue Dior tartan jumpsuit that featured a sweetheart neckline showing off ample cleavage, which was pouring out of the top. The bodice of the one-piece was fitted, while the rest flowed out into straight-leg fitted trousers that were loose at her calves. She accessorized her look with a tiny black crocodile leather Maison Alaia purse, simple black patent leather ankle-strap sandals, a chunky gold chain choker necklace, and stacks of gold bracelets and rings.
We couldn’t help but notice Rihanna’s white dress at the cricket match, from her own brand, Fenty, which she wore as a jacket, was the same exact one Bella Hadid, 22, wore when she was out and about in New York City on June 3. The supermodel wore the tight white Fenty Denim Corset Dress which featured a baggy bodice, with cinched in sides that highlighted Bella’s tiny waist, and a skintight mini skirt. She accessorized her look with a cool pair of neon green Fenty The Affair Minty Fresh Pumps, which added a bold pop of color to her look, silver Jenny Bird Startlet Hoop Earrings, and Fenty Guarded Mask Sunglasses.
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